• The most important of the plastic refractory’s are that it is possible not to use forms for some applications and even if you need to use a form, the time you need for removing the form is very short (Because of the plastics do not need solidification time like the castables). Also they are suitable for using insulating materials at the backup region.
• Plastic refractory’s are supplied in 50 mm thick slabs stored in vacuum packed in cardboard boxes to prevent the moist lost. You should store the materials in a closed and cool places. If you will store at outdoor, you should not place the tracks too closed and you should cover them with a calash or covering.
• If the plastic material loses its noise during the storage, you can use it again by moistening it by some water.
• The plastic material which are heat setting, lose their noise by vaporizing. Therefore, you should keep these materials moist during the storage. When the materials lose their moist, they get dry and broken into small pieces which will cause problems during the application. The shelf life of the heat setting plastic refractory’s is 6-8 months.
• Air rammers are used for the ramming operation of plastics. But at the local areas the ramming operation can be applied by a hummer or hands.
• To use forms during the ramming operation in beneficial to increase compaction force and to decrease the amount of the cracks. You can prevent the adhesion of the inner surfaces of the form to the material by lubricating the forms before the operation.
• The correct time of the removing form is, before the heat curing starts and just after the material loses its moist lightly.
• Ramming must be carried out 70-90° to the lining thickness.
• You should continue compaction until you ensure that the rammed layers of slabs fully compacted. Before the second layer application, you should trim the surface of the first layer to provide combination between the layer.
• After the ramming operation, you should trim the material to help water discharge during the heat curing.
• Never allow contact with water (such as rain) during the installation of plastic refractory’s.
• At the ceiling plastic refractory application, the material should be compacted from the sides, not bottom-up.
• The ramming of plastics and the choice of anchorage systems are very important for the plastic applications. Therefore, you should be sure that the applications are done by its competent.