
Insulating castable are generated similar to conventional castable production by using low density raw materials to ensure a perfect insulation and decrease the density. This type of products are used both as a secondry material in behind of fire-resistant material and main refractory material in almost every industry. During application and mixing of the material, used water  and air temperature should be +5/+25o C, respectively.


In closed and dry condition they can be stored during a year provided that they can not be laminated as more than 6 lines.

Mixing by Hand

Mortar mold or clean superficies should be used. Before adding water, casting refractory mortar should be mixed slowly as dry and then shoveled severel times by adding slowly clean water .

Mechanical Mixing

  • Mixer is an optimal method for material mixing process
  • Should be paid attention on cleanliness of the mixer.
  • Before adding water, dry material should be mixed during 1 minute to homogenize.
  • Should be added water slowly to prevent clumping until the desired consistency is obtained and rapid proliferation is noticed. 2-3 munite is enough to mix.
  • The material should be rested during 5-10 minute and applied completely in 30-40 minute.


  •  When castable refractory begins setting, should be irrigated with much water
  •  To prevent water loss by evaporation, should be covered with polyethylene sheets. (Wet sack should be used to prevent quick drying of material and not to obtain an unstable surface by lossing moisture.)
  • The highest strength and performance are obtained with setting, when temperature of compound is kept 20-30o C. Implementation of setting should be under 20o C. Waiting period is 24 hours.
  • Heat cure program should be implemented.

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